Category Archives: Social Commentary

And introducing…The Transparent

Welcome to The Transparent.
A brand new video series crafted by Omari Soulfinger.
We’re very excited to bring this to you. It’s been a long time in the making.
This particular clip is footage from the first volume of videos that will also be featured in the Our Image Film Festival this year.

Recently we caught up with Soulfinger (it wasn’t hard he can’t run that fast).
Here’s what he had to say about the forthcoming series.

Soulfinger: Kurt Vonnegut once said “Be careful what you pretend to be… because you are what you pretend to be.” Yeah so uh…”The Transparent” it’s like a big ol mixing bowl of sketches, reenactments, music videos, interviews, social experiments, and performance art that stir stir… I say stir up the questions, opinions and theories behind the lack of sincerity and candor of these times. Why do we feel obligated to people’s birthday parties that we don’t really know or like? Why are we forced to lie when our boss asks “So what do you think?”… What is the socially acceptable time limit for falling in love? … “Why do I wear clothes I hate 5 days a week, just to buy clothes I like to wear for only 2 days a week?… ‘Cos lets face it, we all have a minimum of 2 identities. The “who” we are and the “who” society has decided we should be. (He pauses to take a bite of a fish sandwich) Kna saying?…It’s delicious, ingredients feature a fresh cast of award winning friends and whoever responded back to me on Craigslist. A smorgesboard of local musical beings and madness. Real Righteous and all that…

Be sure to keep checking back for new content and updates.
For more info on Soulfinger check out